Progress Report 6: store update


Printed copies of Monsters are now available for sale in the store.

My next convention is:
August 3 – 7


I got sick almost immediately after AFO and that took me out of commission for a little while. After that, I started with a few minor website updates and played catch-up with some work in addition to restarting my comic pages. I got sick again and slowed down, but that cold is mostly gone now. Being able to draw all of my comics again is great.

What’s next

The website and first chapter for Laana Maji are both under way. I have a good chunk of the Laana outline written up and I have a pretty solid idea for where the entire story is going. It’s going to be a longer story, which will be a lot of fun to work on. I also have plans to finish drawing Fear Without A Name by the end of the year. It’s a 70-page story, so I’ll hopefully be able to finish it sooner than that. Look forward to it!

If you like my stories and want to support them, you can do so on Patreon. Patrons see all the pages as they’re finished.

See you next time.