Progress Report 28: Monsters returns

False Faces Chapter 2 is nearly complete.
Monsters is being revisited.
The first months of the year are traditionally a hectic time for me. January and February tend to pass in a blur of activity that I can never quite keep up with. However, this January has been calm and manageable, in part due to the way I've been able to plan my days off of work.
I've booked three of the conventions that I was planning to table at this year. The other two, I'm still waiting on. This gives me a few hard deadlines for some of the projects I've been planning, which I'm using to work out my revised schedule. One of those projects is revisiting my old oneshot, Monsters. Monsters has been at my table ever since I first finished the short story, back in 2016, but certain circumstances have left me unable to continue selling the small staple-bound booklets. That's why I've decided to finally write the second part of it, which has been kicking around in my mind for about three years. This also means that I'm redrawing the first part for a more consistent style.
Work on Monsters has taken up some of the time I had set aside for my long comics, but it will only take another two months to finish. False Faces fell behind its usual update schedule at the beginning of the month, but my day job's workload has lightened and I've been able to manage my time more effectively.
What’s next
False Faces will resume normal updates in February.
Monsters is expected to be finished at the end of March.
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