Progress Report 21: a 2018 review


It's time again for a review of the previous year. 2018 was a year that saw a lot of changes in my personal life. A lot of it was good, and a lot of it hurt my ability to work on my projects. Due to another job of mine, I kept picking up and putting down my comics despite my best efforts. Still, I love the things I was able to do, and the rest of my home life is falling into place. I think, in a way, 2018 was a year of changes. My world was shaken at the start and it took all year to clean up the mess. I wasn't even able to properly keep up with my progress reports. But all of that will be amended this year. I have a lot of plans and the stability to put them into action.


January was probably the most difficult time for me. My tablet pen sputtered to a tragic death in the middle of a oneshot project and had to be replaced. Immediately after that, my home life saw a complete upheaval. I moved into a new home under circumstances that were not at all the best and had to re-evaluate my plans for everything. While I made progress on Threads and started redesigning my website (again), this marked the theme for the whole year. Everything except Threads and MRGhost was put on hold.

Much like in 2017, February of 2018 saw the start of a website update. I started a total redesign to something sleeker and simpler and felt like I was making progress in my other works. However, this was a period where I was also looking for a day job and fighting the stress of my new life. It wasn't a terribly difficult time, but it was slow-going on the art side. Then I had to prepare for a short event in March. The event went well and I buckled down to finish the coding part of my new website layout, which debuted at the start of April. MRGhost didn't start back up until the end of the month.

In May, I started working on another oneshot, Until the End, so that I could get it ready for a convention in August. That ended up taking all of my time for a while, because that was the month I got a day job. With an irregular work schedule and the deadline for Until the End approaching, all of my other projects were shelved. I had planned for Threads to begin its next chapter in May, but that ended up not happening at all.

Work on Until the End lasted all through June, with convention prep joining it in July. It was incredibly stressful because I almost missed my print deadline, but I managed and was able to go to my one and only significant convention of the year, Anime Festival Orlando. AFO went well for me and my website marked its three year anniversary. Then it was time to pick up my other projects, starting with Threads.

Largely due to my irregular day job, work on Threads was still very slow. I didn't have many chances to sit down and just draw for a day or two until about October, when I managed to change my work schedule. I worked on getting Chapter 6 going again all through October and November.

I went on a vacation at the end of November and spent some time picking up the oneshot project that I'd dropped at the beginning of the year. Work was been split between that and Threads for the rest of the year.

And where was poor Laana Maji in all of this? Unfortunately, I haven't been able to work on it since it started. As a colored project, it takes longer to work on and I was actually planning to change how I color it because the current method takes too long. I planned to work on it again, but wasn't able to test any better ways of doing things.

What’s next

I have a convention coming up in March, so I'm going to finish the oneshot project so that it can be printed in time.

Threads Chapter 6 is about halfway finished.

Until the End is still ongoing on its site.

My Resident Ghost is next on the list to come off of hiatus, most likely after March.

Laana Maji will be undergoing some revisions to make it easier to work on.

2018 was a year of great change for me, for better and for worse, but this year is going to be one of stability. There are many things that I want to do and life is finally quieting down enough for me to do them. I'm looking forward to a good year.


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