Progress Report 14: a new chapter written
My Resident Ghost chapter 2 has been fully thumbnailed.
Some website updates are in progress.
February being a short month always throws my schedule for a loop, because I often have a lot going on around this time in my daily life. Due to this and the change in my workflow, I wasn’t able to finish any pages for MRGhost.
I was, however, able to write and sketch the entire chapter and begin the line art phase. A few things happen in this chapter that I’m looking forward to, and I’m on track to start updates again very soon.
I’ve also been working on another update to the website and some plans for an upcoming project. I have the cover for the new project all set and will have a schedule for it before too long. This is going to be a busy year.
What’s next
My Resident Ghost will resume updates around the end of March.
If you like my stories and want to support them, you can do so on Patreon. Patrons see all the pages as they’re finished.